Preparing Your Home for Showings

Show off all the special attributes that make your home attractive to buyers by investing a small amount of time and energy into preparing your home for sale. Below are a few trusted tips, tools and techniques to make sure your house shines before it hits the market. When you’re ready, I am here to help you sell your home as quickly and as easily as possible — and for a price that works for you!

Focus on Curb Appeal

First impressions can make a big impact when it comes to selling your home. Simple improvements to your curb appeal, such as trimming the grass, weeding the garden, buying a new welcome mat, and decorating with potted plants can help wow potential buyers the minute they set eyes on your home.

Make it Sparkle

Take time to deep clean your home, paying special attention to areas that may not get as much attention regularly, such as sweeping behind appliances, wiping down cabinets, and dusting light fixtures.

Create an Inviting Scent

Scent is strongly tied to emotions — bake cookies or create a simmering stovetop potpourri before a showing or open house to make your home smell warm and inviting!

Depersonalize and Declutter

Create a simple and clean interior by removing your personal knick-knacks and bulky furniture, and painting accent walls to more understated neutrals.

Improve Storage

Storage is often a huge appeal to buyers. You may want to consider removing unnecessary furniture from a space to help it appear larger, and moving seasonal clothing or unused items into storage.

Consider Staging Rooms Professionally

Professional stagers are experienced and can help bring out the best in your home, finding furniture that best fits the space and complements the home’s natural style and character.

Invest in Lighting and Atmosphere 

Check or replace all the lightbulbs in your light fixtures and remove any obstacles that may be blocking natural light into your home. If there is an area that appears dim, consider adding a cozy lamp.

Complete Any Minor Repairs and Maintenance 

Do you have a leaky faucet, a hole in the drywall or a loose doorknob? Now is the time to tackle those odd jobs that have been sitting on your to-do list. Small improvements can make a big difference in preventing potential buyers from focusing solely on repairs — and it helps show that the house was well-loved.

Add Finishing Touches

Little extras can go a long way when selling your home. Add fresh flowers in the kitchen, folded towels in the bathroom, or colorful throw pillows in the bedroom.

These are just a few of the ways you can get your home prepped for showings. Once you and your home are ready to sell, we can discuss other ways to market your home for success. I look forward to the opportunity to help you sell your home!