Must-Dos Before Putting Your Home on the Market

So you’ve decided to put your home on the market. First of all, congratulations! Secondly, there are a few essential steps to take beforehand. Making a few small changes or updates to your home’s interior and exterior can go a long way in attracting the right buyer. Present your home in the best possible light by doing these small yet effective tasks before it hits the market.

Deep Clean Your House

Take a full day or weekend to deep clean the interior of your home. Dust fan blades and light fixtures, wipe down walls and baseboards, clean all appliances, sweep and vacuum behind furniture, and deep clean each bathroom.

Remove Clutter

Simplify your home by removing clutter or excessive decor. Buyers are typically attracted to homes free of clutter, including knick-knacks, trophies, books, signage and other small accessories. Consider tucking these away neatly in boxes stored in the basement, attic or a closet.

Depersonalize the Space

Along those same lines, remove your personal items to create a more neutral home. It can be difficult for a buyer to envision themselves living in the space if they are surrounded by family photos, signs with your family name, and other personal mementos.

Make Minor Repairs

Don’t wait until the inspection to make any minor repairs that have built up over time, including broken locks, leaky faucets, cracks, squeaky doors or broken appliances. Make a good impression as potential buyers are touring the home for the first time.

Brighten Up the Rooms

Bright and cheerful homes tend to show better than darker, dimly lit ones. Open up the blinds and curtains, replace any light bulbs that are out, and consider painting any dark rooms a bright, neutral color.

Improve Curb Appeal

Make a great first impression by boosting your home’s curb appeal. Take some time to maintain your garden by planting new flowers or shrubs, removing weeds and trimming bushes. Keep your lawn mowed and watered, power wash all surfaces, and consider updating your house numbers or other fixtures.

Organize Closets and Drawers
You may be tempted to shove all clutter in a closet, in drawers or under your bed. Beware! Buyers are likely to inspect closets and drawers, so make sure they are presentable.

Eliminate Bad Odors
Replace air duct filters, deep clean carpets and rugs, and clean (or even paint!) walls and baseboards to eliminate any bad odors ruminating in your home. Consider hiring a professional cleaning company to remove more intense odors.

You’re Almost Ready!

Let me know if you have any questions as we start the process of putting your home on the market.