How to Get Your Garden Ready for Spring

It’s hard to believe it, but spring is almost here! While we’re just starting to say goodbye to the frigid temperatures of winter, warmer weather will be here before you know it.

But before you pull out the grill and dust off your lawn chairs, take some time to make sure your garden is ready for the coming season. From weeding to pruning and even planting some hardy vegetables, here are a few things you can do to prepare your garden for spring and ensure it’s ready to grow your plants and produce this year.

Give Your Tools Some TLC: Make sure your tools are ready for the tough work ahead by cleaning and repairing any of your tools that need a little love. Sand off any rust using steel wool; use a sharpening stone to restore your pruning tools; take your gas-powered equipment in for a tune up; and wipe down your tools with penetrating oil to keep them in tip-top shape.

Divide Perennials: Right before new growth begins is an ideal time to dig and divide your perennial flowers that are overgrown. Dividing perennials is a budget-friendly way to fill your garden with more plants or share them with your friends to plant in their gardens. Replant the divided clumps immediately and water them well to encourage new growth.

Clean Up Your Flower Beds: Clear away dead leaves and any other debris left by the winter storms. You can also take this time to trim back your annuals, pull weeds, groom your trees, and clear away any winter protection—like raised bed covers—that you added last season.

Inspect Your Trees for Winter Damage: Those snowy winters can be hard on your trees. Take this opportunity, before the leaves grow back, to inspect your trees for damage. Prune off any broken, dead, or storm-damaged branches and trim back your fruit trees before new buds begin to bloom.

Add Fresh Mulch + Fertilizer: One of the easiest ways to make your yard look clean and polished is to add fresh mulch to your garden beds. This can also help the soil retain moisture and can help prevent weeds. While you’re at it, add some fresh fertilizer under the mulch to give your plants some much needed nutrients as the weather warms up.

Start Your Seeds Indoors: If you’re planning to add to your garden this year, now is the time to start your seeds! Although growing season is technically still a few months away, many seeds for annual flowers and edibles can be started indoors earlier in the spring.

Get Ready to Plant Cool-Season Vegetables: Hardy vegetables like artichokes, peas, potatoes, and some types of lettuce germinate best in cool soil—that means early spring is the perfect time to plant them! Once your soil has thawed, plant them in your garden beds to help set them up for harvest by early summer.