Common Questions Asked During the Home Buying Process

Whether it’s your first time buying a home or you’ve purchased several over the years, there may be questions that arise during the home buying process. Each home and situation is different, yet there are a few common questions you may want to consider.

Am I Ready to Buy?

If you’re currently renting and this will be your first home, you may be wondering whether it is wiser to rent or buy. Buying a home can offer many benefits, including equity growth, security, and the ability to alter your space with upgrades and additions. Compare rent prices in your area with estimated mortgage payments to determine the difference in the cost of living, taking into account the long-term investment benefits.

If you are looking to buy another home and sell your current home, let’s chat! I would love to talk through the pros and cons of buying a different home. I can also help you estimate what your current home may be worth.

Should I Work with a Real Estate Professional?

I encourage you to work with a trusted professional as there are nuances to the local market and many steps involved in the home buying process. I would love the opportunity to help guide you on your journey!

How Much Do I Need for a Down Payment?

You may think you need 20% for a down payment, but there may be varying requirements based on the different loan options. It’s important to get a better understanding of current mortgage loan options, mortgage rates, and what you may need to put towards a down payment. If you are looking for a recommendation, I can connect you with a mortgage professional to discuss your options.

How Many Homes Should I Consider Before Putting in an Offer?

There is no solid answer to this question. In fact, you may look at one and decide it is perfect, or you could spend months looking at dozens of homes until you put in an offer! In the end, you’ll know when it’s “the one.”

What is an Appraisal?

An appraisal offers an unbiased report of a home’s market value based on the property’s condition, features, location and other factors. An appraiser determines if the purchase price for the home is fair.

What is an Inspection?

A home inspection offers an examination of the home’s condition, from the basement or crawl space to the attic and roof. An inspector reviews elements of the home and creates a detailed report with the findings, which can help the buyer make an informed decision about the purchase.

Let me know if there are any additional questions you have! I am here to answer each and every question, both big and small.